About Mayor Steve

Mayor of the City of Williamson, Georgia. Striving for small government, low taxes, and community involvement.

Less Government, Lower Taxes, Community Involvement

I am involved with our community; As Mayor and Budgeting Officer, I have lowered the city tax rate every year I have been in office; I do not create unnecessary regulations.

I keep all aspects of government open, transparent, accountable, and dedicated to serving you.

Government shouldn’t exist to limit your freedoms, it should protect them!

Your government is here to support you, provide for your health, safety and welfare, and must be responsive to your needs while doing the same.

As Director of Public Safety, your safety, security, and wellbeing are of my utmost concern.

I am raising my family here in Williamson and I want them, and your families as well, to be proud to call Williamson their hometown.

Building A Strong Community

Working towards small government, low taxes, and community involvement for the health, safety, and welfare of our citizens.

Hello, my name is Steve Fry

My family and I are asking for your support and your vote as I seek re-election for Mayor of the City of Williamson. I welcome the opportunity to continue serving our city and its citizens who are also my friends and neighbors. I want to help those friends and neighbors as we all strive to maintain the small-town charm of our home town.

Serving as your Mayor has given me valuable insight towards the needs of our city and its residents. I have met most of our Citizens during my time as Mayor. I have seen you in City Hall when you stopped by or attended a meeting, or maybe you saw me working at an emergency scene around town or putting up banners or decorations, or repairing City property from time-to-time. I am a hands-on type of person and enjoy doing things for our community. I have been a firefighter and Emergency Medical Responder in Williamson for over twenty-five years. I have completed many classes of instruction on municipal services, finances, budgeting, and asset management to better serve our city and give you the most for your tax dollars.

I came to Williamson just as I was completing my service in the Marine Corps. I had never been married. This was partly because as a Commanding Officer in the Corps, I considered my Marines as my family. I moved often with numerous deployments around the globe and I couldn’t settle down until I completed that important part of my life and service to our Country.

I now consider Williamson my home and my wife Gina and I have three children who know Williamson, Georgia as their home. I want them to always be proud to call Williamson home and I want Williamson to be a great place for them to grow up. I have a special interest in the character and the environment where my family lives.

I am in favor of small government and would rather see things done by community effort than by taxpayer dollars. I believe infrastructure and safety should be the main concerns of our city government. Ensuring our water is clean, our air healthy, and our streets are maintained, and our community is safe is extremely important. Providing additional services such as our parks, walking trails and library makes our city the place we want to call home and builds our sense of community. The success of the Williamson Library, known as the L.E.A.F. (Library, Educational and Arts Facility), is a great example of community effort that has created a focal point for our town.

I am always open for input and ideas about how to best serve our community and citizens. If there is ever anything the city can do for you, please bring it to my attention. I have always tried to keep taxes as low as possible and we have lowered Williamson taxes every year I have been in office. I am also committed to giving the best level of service possible for your tax dollars. You pay your taxes and you should expect a certain level of service. You should not expect your tax dollars to be spent on maintaining private property or on private drives. If we all maintain our own properties, we all save precious tax dollars. Those funds can be used in other ways to provide for, and enhance, the health, safety and welfare of us all.

For those of you whom I may have not got the opportunity to meet yet, I am including my background information at the "About Steve" tab.